Hi, I’m Havah Miller

After my own journey of healing my fear of commitment and finding love in all the wrong places, I discovered some juicy secrets to true intimacy. Now I get to enjoy being happily married to the kindest man I know who loves me for my authentic self.

I am honored to be supporting Christian singles over 25 to get clarity on what they need to heal in order to unlock true intimacy with Jesus and themselves so they can attract and nourish a godly relationship of their own.


Pink crystal, moon and stars pathway

Unlocking Your Love Code

We are made to live fully, love much, and experience joy in our relationships. We are made to bond in relationships and they are meant to of course shape us and grow us. But first and foremost they are meant to support and nurture us. They are meant to be a place of safety and freedom. But so many Christians are noticing that this is far from their realities. They keep hitting road blocks in relationships that get them overwhelmed and shut down. Maybe they are experiencing a lack of godly men or woman or noticing that the relationships they do have just do not stick. Whatever your story is, I can help you unlock and unwind all the confusing messages around dating. I want you to walk away deeply trusting who you are in Jesus and knowing that your setbacks will no longer hinder your ability to create a beautiful, godly relationship. Let’s start today and begin releasing the old and stepping into the new.

Green crystal with vines and stars

3 Month Deep Dive

I highly recommend starting with one of my packages for your healing journey. Commit yourself to these three months and we will focus on breaking off limiting beliefs, harmful programming, breaking you free of generational setbacks, releasing trapped emotions, and so much more. This is preventative treatment as well as treating current issues. I want to get after these issues before they begin to wreck havoc in your body and your relationship with yourself, your family and God. What are those triggers that come up everyday that truly mess with your joy, peace, and love? Let’s find them and eradicate them from your body’s nervous system and your DNA.

Pink flower, moon and stars

6 Month Package

The best way to get started with your healing journey is to dive right in. Take the journey to getting free from any emotional blocks, limiting beliefs, generational setbacks and more these next 6 months. This is the best investment you can make for your future. The one thing you only get one shot at is health in this body. It is worth it, your relationships are worth it, and your future is waiting ready for you to be set free to step out into your fullest potential. And there is a bonus! Ask me about the bonus you will be get by doing this healing now.

What is IBRT healing…

Have you ever dismissed a person you don’t even know? Have you ever felt so overwhelmed you cannot focus or make decisions? Or seen an image and had a strong emotional reaction? These are signs that you have trapped emotions. Simply, these are emotions that were not expressed when they needed to be, and so have remained “stuck” in the body. This causes the nervous system to go into over drive and it begins to short circuit and block you ability to use your cognitive skills and communicate.

Trapped emotions can also disrupt your cells and your nervous system causing inflammation, disease, disorder, anxiety, depression, tiredness, and more. It is not always easy to release these emotions for the simple reason we don’t always know they are there. This is where IBRT healing can help, because it can help us not only identify trapped emotions but also release them from the body so we can create healthy godly relationships that last.


  • Increased energy

  • Relational breakthroughs

  • Deeper connection with yourself and God

  • Better sleep

  • Your family will be healed along with you

  • Clarity

  • Side benefits include your body being healed

  • Stress relief

  • Tension released

  • Getting out of fight or flight and into Parasympathetic state

  • Creativity renewed

  • Peace of Mind

  • Becoming Unstuck

  • Freedom to step out in courage for your career and life

  • Greater understanding of yourself and empathy for why you are the way you are


What people are saying…

Giving Back

I am so grateful to God for his generous blessings. I commit before you all that 10% of my proceeds will go to local nonprofits and people I meet who need financial assistance with sessions or even basic necessities. I will ask the Holy Spirit who the money will go to every month. Let me know if you have a need!